File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 14

Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 21:45:38 -0700
Subject:  M2 info sheet

I like this bit from aut-op-sy.  I have found that it is nearly
impossible to conduct a discussion of some subjects, such as Rational
Choice Theory, Methodological Individualism and others, while being
verbally attacked for even considering things which are outside of
someone else's "orthodoxy".

I have already expressed my wish that discussion of the info sheet be
kept brief as necessary.  Now I respond to a few comments that have
been made.  

On unsubbing people, in case it is ever needed:

Leo, I hope that the general statement that we can and will do so is
enough to meet your basic concern.  It is for me.

Re: two others, I can't decide what method I would want the list to
commit to in the info sheet.  Or isn't putting it in there a sort of
committment, so that when people join they may expect that the
'policy' will be consistent?  But then perhaps there is no good
reason that we shouldn't change policy any time we want.  But then do
we have to have a policy for how to change policy?

Yech!  This way lies navel gazing ruminations recycled!  I've been
there in a real flesh organization, and it was nightmarish.

I fear leaving E [expulsion] always to a popular vote, because that
way may lie Political Correctness, surely the nemesis of some members
here as well as some Spooners' policy [including mine]!  

Howabout a policy of E upon agreement of "some M2 members plus one
Spoon member, after at least one warning from a Spoon"?  This is what
I think a responsible Spooner would do, it is certainly my
expectation of myself.  It is neither unilateral, nor populist, nor
[of course] unconsidered.  It requires no hearings, debates or vote
counting.  The point is to enable us to "do something" and to trust
ourselves to be mostly reasonable.

But I'm not sure we need to spell it out in a welcome info message.  

Perhaps only one more round of comments?  Perhaps my above statement
and the already expressed wishes of others here have already stated
what OUR attitudes and therefore 'policy' will be.  If this is clear
enough to us, can we have this little detail over with?

Malgosia previously commented that we should not be telling grown
people how to behave and how to discuss because they already know.  I
agree, and that is one reason that I clipped most of the verbiage
about 'etiquette' and such from the M1 info sheet to draft the M2.  

I suggest that we take a similar stand toward telling how we will
decide if our opportunity to discuss things is being destroyed.

Last thing:  As Spoon-liason for M2, I am taking responsibility for
getting some kind of info sheet done and made available through
majordomo for subbers to receive.  There are no rules about it, it
just needs doing.  Of course I am paying attention to what
list-members want.


>>> <>  3/30/96, 07:52pm >>>
Marx once called for a 'ruthless critique' which 'neither shirked
>from its results nor from a conflict with the powers that be'. We
endorse this stance, but also believe that those who seek to develop
such a critique must do so in a manner which respects honest
political and intellectual differences. Thus, while our intention as
moderators is simply to help discussion flow along, we don't intend
for [marxism2, JL] to become the  vehicle for blood-letting or
name-calling into which some other  Internet-based 'discussion' lists
have degenerated.
The above, with the minor name change, is from the "welcome" to the 
aut-op-sy list.

     --- from list ---


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