Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 21:38:27 -0600 Subject: draft info sheet Getting closer to finished? I do hear that some people have some desire to try to spell everything out, but I think there is no way to anticipate everything or decide anything in detail in advance. This is a shot at a general description of the list that I want to support. I have incorporated several comments, and am willing to hear more suggestions for what we _do_ want. I'll be offlist til monday, most likely. Because of various tech-problems, I've seen nothing on M2 since Jon's brief post this afternoon, so I'm not sure what's up, but I hope you're enjoying yourselves. Spoon is having another disk space shortage because of some non-spoon stuff in Virginia, and during that time, nothing can be archived, although it still gets passed on through to you [on the 'straight' list] like usual. So please save your good stuff from this afternoon, so I can have a chance at it. Otherwise, I'll never see it at all. I should be able to receive mail normally, ah, regularly from now forward. Lisa --------------------------------------------- This is the marxism2 and marxism2-digest list info sheet. 1 Purpose and Policy 2 Technical Info and Contact People 3 Archives ---------------------------------------------- MARXISM2 is brought to you by the Spoon Collective, a group of Net citizens providing technical support for some lists. By subbing to this list, you will also receive ANNOUNCEMENTS deemed by Spoon to be of general interest to Spoon lists from time to time. Marxism2 is available in both digest and straight forms. At the top of each digest (about 20K in length) there is a table of contents, with the subject line and author of each post. The frequency of digests depends upon the volume of the list, it's about twice a day. -------------------------------------------- 1 Purpose and Policy Marxism2 is a list for the discussion of marxian-related thought, politics, production, action, history, etc. We emphasize productive, creative, non-sectarian, cross-occupational and interdisciplinary discussion. Relations with other liberatory thought is included, and interest in historical process, change, transition, and application of marxian thought to current problems is strong. No academic or activist "credentials" are required. Being a "marxist" is not required. Ordinary respect and courtesy towards other list members is expected, although the tone of discussion may grow heated. Marx once called for a 'ruthless critique' which 'neither shirked >from its results nor from a conflict with the powers that be'. We agree with this, but also believe that in order to develop such a critique, and in order to be interesting, creative and stimulating, the discussion must allow honest political and intellectual differences and new ideas. In order to promote and allow discussion, the list does not intend to become a vehicle for accusation, threats, harrassment or other off-topics. All posts are distributed to the list without the contents being reviewed or approved by anyone, i.e. there is no editor. As a list, we reserve the right to unsub and block out posts from anyone we find to be preventing open discussion. This should be very rare. Do not send many one-liners, lengthy cross-postings, and lengthy quotes left in replies. Short articles or summaries and references to articles which are intended to start a conversation or are related to some on-going conversation are welcome. Otherwise, forwarded articles may be more appropriate for the several left newsgroups that exist on the Net. Longer essays and papers can also be announced onlist and then posted to those who ask for them, or may be made available via Spoon's electronic archives. ----------------------------------------------- 2 Technical Info and Contact People To post a message to the list, address it to To sub, unsub or otherwise command Majordomo [the software] to do something for you, you must address your command to: The body of the message must contain only the command, the subject line is irrelevant. Basic commands that you will need: subscribe marxism2-digest unsubscribe marxism2-digest subscribe marxism2 unsubscribe marxism2 [Notice that marxism and m-digest are treated like separate lists, but only for purposes of un/subbing. It is possible to be subbed to _both_ lists.] To get a list of commands: help If you have questions that are not part of the onlist discussion itself, address a message to the Spoon [admin] liaison: Lisa Rogers If you have a question that Lisa is not able to answer soon, address a message to the Spoon Collective account: _______________________________________ 3 Archives Posts to marxism2 are permanently archived, and archives will soon be available through the WWW page of the Spoon Collective at There are several marxism related papers also available there, and archives for all other Spoon lists. --- from list ---
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