File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 145

Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 21:48:27 -0600
Subject:  marxian anthropology

Any have, have read or want to read:

_Marxism and "Primitive" Societies: Two Studies_ by Emmanuel Terray, 
Monthly Review Press 1972

_The Labour Theory of Culture: A Re-examination of Engels's Theory of
Human Origins_ by Charles Woolfson, Routledge 1982

_Marxist Approaches in Economic Anthropology_  Monographs in Economic
Anthropology No.9, Ed. Alice Littlefield and Hill Gates, University
Press, 1991

[don't have it with me]
_Pre-capitalist Economic Formations_ [I think]  The one I have is a
section from the Grundrisse with a couple of excerpts from other
works plus some letters by Marx and letters by Engels.


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