Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 21:41:04 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: MODERNISM? Jukka, I'm very disappointed in you. If there is anything Hegelian about my commentary it is purely unconscious, since my views on modernism have nothing to do with anything I might think about Hegel or Hegelianism. This is my long-standing viewpoint. I usually don't express it in quite this language, and perhaps my language is beginning to be influenced by a certain kind of discourse. As to the coherence of the self, I don't know what your problem is, but I'm thinking in practical terms and not just academic terms. Coherence is more of an ideal than a fully realized phenomenon. Coherence is what we achieve when we gain some sense of who we are. How many ordinary people get the opportunity to really do this? Your remarks don't seem to have much relation to things I care about, and I wonder why. Is this the academic syndrome? Do you think I am just playing with concepts? I do not spend my daily life with intellectuals, and my entirely argument is based on a lifetime of observations of people in real life. I come from a very provincial background. It takes a lot of effort to overcome the limitations of one's environment and to discover one's own real self-worth. The intellectuals are bored with themselves and their society, so they think everybody else should be as bored by life as they are. I don't agree. I'm interested in the development of people. Aren't you? --- from list ---
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