File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 160

Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 21:44:52 -0800 (PST)

Leo, when I have more time I shall study your analysis of
Leviathan.  Otherwise, I am disappointed by your reaction, since
you don't seem to be paying attention.

I  already mentioned something about the dark side of modernity.
Do you think there is a dark side to the enlightenment along the
working class people who embraced science and reason in order to
emancipate themselves?  The issue is not just the Enlightenment as
something that happened to one small group of people at one time.
(There was also a Jewish Enlightenment too, by the way, which
broke through the confines of the ghetto mentality.)
Enlightenment is an ongoing process, which changes with the people
who appropriate modernity for themselves. You missed the entire
point of my post, didn't you?

By suggesting that my aversion to postmodernism has something to
do with the return of the mythical, do you think I am engaging in
an academic debate?  Do you think that the reactionary culture of
ignorance exploited by the Christian Coalition or the Nation of
Islam is academic?  Leo, I am offended by your point of departure.
You must think I am playing games.  When I step outside of my door
into the culture of poverty every day, I come face to face with
the consequences of the violation of the human mind.

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