Date: Sun, 7 Apr 1996 12:30:59 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: Re-unions vs class struggle Ken Wrote: >(I don't know what text editor you use, but your posts are oddly formatted, >which makes for a tough read.) > >Your Subject line -- "unions vs. the class struggle" -- suggests, to me, <snip> I basically agree with what Ken says here. However my question to Neil is basically why are you writing off the unions? I just can,t understand how the pro-capitalists tops and the base are put in one big bathtub by you. Its like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Can,t you see that there is a difference? I thought that communists tried to fight in order to lead the unions. To get the membership to fight in their own interests against the traitors at the top. In a sense you have the same position as the PCP maoists. They have written of the industrial proletariat for the "masses" in the third world. You write off the trade unions where the industrial proletariat at present is led by its pro capitalist leaders. Another thing that confuses me is the line on state capitalism. It could only be a theroy dreamed up by a radical petty bougeois intellectual, raised in a country with a treacherous social democratic leadership over a long period of time. A tired leftist who instead of fighting for the leadership of the working class on a communist program declares that everybody in the reformist parties of the workers movements are state capitalists. Then after declaring this puts all of the workers in the same bag. And then has the audacity to say we should stand on the outside and scream that we are the real communists. For me communists fight anywhere and everywhere for a program. Inside and outside the unions. We do not dream up theories to stand aside and let the reformists have and open field! That is rediculous and probably what Lenin would have called a "ultra left sickness" of some sort. But in fact is pett bougeoisie right wing ignorance of leading the working class towards a communist revolution. If Lenin had the same reasoning as you he would have said that Bolsheviks do not go to the front and the army because the army was "imperialist monarchy" or something. In fact what really happened is that the bureacrats in the reformist parties have gone over more or more to the side of the bourgeoisie. In the western industrial countries their aren,t any state capitalists, just bouegois states, the reformists sometimes think they steer. However today we can see as interimperialist rivalry grows and the deformed workers states are disintegrating a shift in the reformist leadership of being mediators for the bourgeois state through its institutions, now openly going over to the side of the bourgiosie. In fact perhaps the tasks of the communists become easier because the reformist can no longer play both sides of the fence. It is either the bourgeoisie or the proletariat. The real danger for revolutionaries are the traditionalists and fake leftists who are still trying to reform the bourgeois state by building mini programs around programs of back to the good old times. Communist should be telling the truth to the workers. Either we fight for a communist future through the dictatorship of the proletariat or we lose! Warm Regards malecki PS: Ken, i do not thing these guys are cops! Just petty bourgeois left radicals in the service of the bougeoisie...Because anybody that is basically ready to give up the struggle for leadership of the unions to the reformist traitors by screaming state capitalism if they are honest should get on the same plane to Peru as Aldolfo... --- from list ---
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