Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 16:30:14 -0700 Subject: anthropology, historical process, RCT ... Rahul, I love all your ideas about anthropology threads. I am barely familiar with Levi-Strauss, a little with Harris, tho more with his opposition, and a little with Polanyi. I have some Polanyi which I'd like to read some time, so that could be a good common reading. I'd rather hear your opinion or explication of what you think Levi-Strauss has to offer before I try to read any myself. I haven't read the Bloch, but I did recently acquire a fairly recent book on marxism and anthropology that is a collection of essays. I don't have it with me now, but I will find it soon and post the cite. I'm very interested in RCT, tho I know little of its formal application within economics. I know well the version that we use in evolutionary ecology, and I've been having an interesting one-on-one debate about some of this which maybe could be brought onto marxism2. Previous contact with Justin has helped to stimulate my interest in RCT type stuff and the [marxist?] philosophy of science and I was already interested in MI. I would love to have him join us. I would very much like to be able to discuss all these things and others where we are not surrounded with verbal attacks and accusations of being "counter-revolutionary" for even considering such ideas. I'd very much like to hear more about the projects of Harris and Frazer. Do they seek to reconstruct a sequence? What are their visions of the mechanism or process of change? Also, do you mind if I forward your post to marxism2 for some ideas on threads to begin there? Thanks for everything, Lisa PS. Do you think there is a contradiction between Polanyi's vision of non-capitalists as non-competitive, and an RCT approach to understanding human behavior? Well, we could take our time with this stuff, I really have to, do to other pressing demands on my time. LR --- from list ---
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