Date: Sun, 7 Apr 1996 22:35:22 -0600 Subject: Re: More on Modernism, Reason and Myth Sorry, I didn't mean to say that Hobbes defended the divine right of kings, but rather that he was concerned to defend absolute monarchy. Don't know what I was thinking. I can't see the initial introduction of the idea of the social contract as anything other than an attempt to instill political quietism by the force of reason, since the force of religion seemed to be insufficient. Why are you once again following the sophistic technique of picking on the least significant of the criticisms I made? What about the weakness of your method and mode of argumentation (strictly analogic, not logical), and what about the relevance? Why does what Hobbes thought or didn't think have anything to do with how we should view the role of myth 300 years later? Rahul --- from list ---
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