File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 177

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 10:07:10 -0600
Subject:  List Policy Announcement

Just in case it was not entirely clear before:

We have had discussion and there is a clear consensus on the issue of
cross-postings / separate lists. "No cross-posting by cc to M1" was
certainly clear, but the intent includes "No M1 posts and discussions
to M2 in any form -- either as a "cc" or simply copied into a new
post."  If you want to be on both lists, the conversations must be
kept separate.  If you see something _on_ M1 and want to reply to it,
reply _only_ on M1, same for M2.

This intention and purpose of the policy is clear. There is really no
difficulty for individuals acting in good faith to abide by it. There
is no reason to entertain further discussion about it.  Those who do
not respect this policy have the rest of cyberspace open to them, but
not this list.


     --- from list ---


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