Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:11:12 -0600 Subject: Re: BLAKE & THE MODERNS (1) Mattie, I haven't seen what you said about QM, but I thought I'd offer a clarification. Heisenberg did not get a Nobel Prize for his "view" of quantum mechanics. First, he got it for creating quantum mechanics, i.e., he was the first to set up (a part of) the formalism and the framework in which the problems at hand could be solved. Second, you may not be aware that the uncertainty principle is a trivial mathematical consequence of the formalism of QM. Physicists don't always have to speculate about epistemology; sometimes they can derive it. Also, mentioning the Nobel Prize to show Heisenberg's importance is like saying Newton was a great man because he was knighted. Rahul --- from list ---
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