File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 3

Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 21:20:40 -0600
Subject: Re: Draft info sheet for this list

I have few problems with the draft, but:

1. It seems to bend the spo*n a little too far toward theory. I think we
should be a little more clear that real marxist practice and even the
history of marxism will be important parts of list discussion

>Rather, the list is a forum for open engagement and enquiry with all
>aspects of
>marxian-related thought.  It is a forum for mental engagement,
>bringing together people of

To this end, we could modify this to marxian-related thought and practice.

2. I would like it to be made very clear that we will not jump the gun on
censoring anybody

>All posts are distributed to the list without the contents being
>reviewed or approved by
>anyone, i.e. there is no editor.  We reserve the right to unsub and
>block out posts from any
>one we find to be preventing open discussion.

To me, this wording does not make it clear enough. We should say that we
will unsub anyone who is preventing open discussion and refuses to go along
with *repeated* attempts to resolve the matter. Furthermore, it might be
well to define who the "we" is here. Not to be too legalistic, but it
should be clear that the "we" is based primarily on input from list
subscr*bers, not moderators or the spo*ons collective.

Right now, the number of people subscr*bed is pitifully small. I have
serious reservations about the evolution of this l*st. I suppose it's too
late to cry over spilled milk, but I still think the spo*ons people
betrayed the sensible people on the old l*st.


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