File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 37

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 07:50:10 -0100
Subject: list draft (was to Lisa)

Dear Lisa,

Gerwin send me your draft for the m2-list. 
Why do you (or we?) not write, that this list 
will be reserved for the antistalinist 
communism or, in positive direction, 
for the critical marxism?

In Germany we have the word: ,demokratischer Kommunismus". 
The word  is in reference to Rosa Luxemburg.

One of our tasks maybe, to show, that marxism is 
more than stalinism and maoism  (and the 
shiny path stuff); all the time critical marxists 
deal with new subjects (e.g. August Thalheimer 
with the ,Relativitaetstheorie" a long time ago)
and now, we have to learn and deal e.g. 
with feminism, the global problems, the new 
situation at the class-struggle-front and so on.

In a historical sense my (our?) tradition is 
Lenin and(!) Rosa Luxemburg, Bucharin and 
Trotzki, Gramsci, August Thalheimer and Clara 
Zetkin, Liu Shaoqi  and so on.

There is a fine book in Germany published: 
heretic in communism. Here you find - in my opinion 
- some of those marxists, which teach us something 
for today, and if it is only, to think with your own head.

With best wishes - Wolfgang

Ketzer im Kommunismus : Alternativen zum 
Stalinismus / Theodor Bergmann ... (Hg.). - 
1. Aufl. Mainz: Decaton-Verl., 1993

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