Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 03:04:57 -0500 (EST) Subject: Reply to Wolfgang Wolfgang Haible, Bibliothek wrote: > Why do you (or we?) not write, that this list > will be reserved for the antistalinist > communism or, in positive direction, > for the critical marxism? > One of our tasks maybe, to show, that marxism is > more than stalinism and maoism .... <snip> I think that such a goal, i.e. establishing a "antistalinist communism" l'st, is a noble goal. However, marxism2 wasn't designed to be a marxist replacement for the old l'st. I, for one, don't mind non-Marxists and/or non-antistalists joining, but I would ask that they and we attempt to engage each other in dialogue in good faith. Of course, such a goal can not be obtained automatically or administratively. I also find your suggestions about what to discuss interesting and I'd like to hear more about some recent developments of "critical marxism" in Germany. What, for instance, are the major theoretical issues being debated now? [There has already been a discussion of differences in politics and praxis in Germany, so I concentrate here on questions related to theory].If you have an opportunity, I'd also appreciate a discussion of the different theoretical journals available in Germany and the the collaborative efforts by Marxists there. For example, who is on the editorial boards of _Sozialism_ and _Prokla_ now and what divisions exist in these groups? Jerry PS: BTW, do you consider Bucharin and Thalheimer, 2 of the ones you listed in your post, to have been anti-Stalinists? If so, please explain. --- from list ---
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