Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 03:18:02 -0600 Subject: Re: BLAKE & THE MODERNS (1): SENSE VS PSYCHE >There are other pompous fools to be tromped on, esp. the butt-head >who links Blake to to quantum mysticism. Kevin Lewis is entirely >trained in theology and is incapable of thinking from a >sociological standpoint. But he's a nice guy, has been helpful in >providing refernces, and even seems to have some respect for my >viewpoint. Also he agrees that Blake has nothing in common with >Coleridge, from his own bizarre theological background, of >course. Fair enough. But tell me more about this last sentence. Who claims Coleridge and Blake have anything in common, and how do they justify it? Christabel doesn't stand up to the Little Lost Girl, and the comparison heads downhill from there. Is the connection Xanadu/mysticism-opium/Jim Morrison/the Doors/quote from the Marriage of Heaven and Hell, or is it less plausible than that? --- from list ---
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