File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 46

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:05:24 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: Re: Rahul's thread - Howie's effects ?

Rahul Mahajan wrote:

"Jukka, I'm interested in resuming the 3rd
world/globalization thread, although we should really
organize a cyberseminar. Right now, I'm a little burned out
and don't feel like amassing the information necessary. "

Sorry to hear that.

" Your characterization of my views on science, history, and
meaning is completely wrong. "

Might be. When you are writing about history and meaning
you're in deep philosophical and theoretical struggles. And
when you are introducing science into that discussion (I
suppose that your basic interest was history of science),
well, at least I'm a bit confused. However, part of Howie's
post I used reminded me of that old question I told about.
The radical democratic stance (that Leo presents) is in a
way continuation of earlier efforts of syntheses between
weberian 'understanding' and durkheimian/marxian
'explanation'. Well, there's much more issues connected to
Leo's theory. But in my opinion that is one central question
in it. It seems to be totally different thing what you're
trying to say. That Erklären/Verstehen is one central
question in social sciences, and concerning historical
explanation. You should find out about it if you will get
into questions of history, explanation and meaning. Physics
don't have anything to say about that.

Yours, Jukka L

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