Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 14:28:58 +0100 Subject: Critical Marxism (was: Re: list draft (was to Lisa)) Wolfgang, I came across your posting about 'critical Marxism' and found it interesting. One crucial question arises: Is there a subversive critique of Marxism from within Marxism possible today? You try to settle a list of testators and a line of tradition against socalled stalinism and maoism. Of course it is necessary to strike the balance of possible references. But I think it is even more necessary to sketch out the topics that are ahead for (us) critical Marxists. If "Communism is the real movement that destroys the present state of things", as Marx wrote in _The German Ideology_, as any other ideology Marxism may be part of that "real movement" or it may be part of the present state of things. Das ist der Unterschied ums Ganze. Comradely Thomas On Wed, 3 Apr 1996 Wolfgang Haible wrote: (...) >In Germany we have the word: ,demokratischer Kommunismus". >The word is in reference to Rosa Luxemburg. > >One of our tasks maybe, to show, that marxism is >more than stalinism and maoism (and the >shiny path stuff); all the time critical marxists >deal with new subjects (e.g. August Thalheimer >with the ,Relativitaetstheorie" a long time ago) >and now, we have to learn and deal e.g. >with feminism, the global problems, the new >situation at the class-struggle-front and so on. > >In a historical sense my (our?) tradition is >Lenin and(!) Rosa Luxemburg, Bucharin and >Trotzki, Gramsci, August Thalheimer and Clara >Zetkin, Liu Shaoqi and so on. (...) --- from list ---
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