File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 49

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:51:31 +0200
Subject: Re: Not here, Hugh, I suggest

Lisa, the fate of a Marxist discussion forum is relevant to M2. And where
are we informed that irony verging on the sarcastic is an impermissible
form of presenting a comment?

The existence of M1 and M2, with as yet no clear line of demarcation
between the content of the two, makes it not unreasonable to conduct a
conversation on both sides of the wall simultaneously.

By the way, I take it that you didn't mean to imply by:

        I think this is not related to any discussion currently
        occuring on M2

that only points related to discussions already under way are permissible?
Rather harsh criterion given the youth of the list.



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