File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 55

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 12:00:07 -0600
Subject:  more info sheet comments

Well...  we don't have a "task", we're here to talk.  I like the
phrase "critical marxism" by itself perhaps, but not if it means a
particular school of thought or "tradition".  I don't have a
tradition within marxism and I don't think the list does either, or
that it needs one.

Rather than pro- or anti- Stalinist or anything else, I'm
I think I'd like to ban anti-discussion and non-discussion.
Any chance we could get any consensus on what anti-discussion looks

I love the idea of thinking with our own heads, and say let's just do

I'm toying with the thought of "creative marxism".  Apply to new
ideas, Yes!  No re-runs, Yes!

There is no need to duplicate conversations on multiple lists, but no
need to ban everybody from all cross-posting.  There is no possible
way to create some totalizing "fairness" or other such nonsense with
some "rules" that let us pretend that things will be done "right". 
Everything is shot through and through with unresolvable

That's my suggestion.


>>> Wolfgang Haible, Bibliothek <>  4/3/96,
02:50am >>>
Why do you (or we?) not write, that this list  will be reserved for
the antistalinist  communism or, in positive direction,  for the
critical marxism?
One of our tasks maybe, to show, that marxism is  more than stalinism
and maoism  (and the  shiny path stuff); all the time critical
marxists  deal with new subjects ... [snip]

In a historical sense my (our?) tradition is  Lenin and(!) Rosa
Luxemburg, Bucharin and  Trotzki, Gramsci, August Thalheimer and
Clara  Zetkin, Liu Shaoqi  and so on.

There is a fine book in Germany published:  heretic in communism.
Here you find - in my opinion  - some of those marxists, which teach
us something  for today, and if it is only, to think with your own

     --- from list ---


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