File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 57

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:30:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Rahul's thread 

J Laari wrote:

> I'm sorry that I
> interfered your discussion. That was my mistake.

What?  You made a mistake??? 

Marxists aren't allowed to make mistakes!!!

But, seriously though, I think it's a good sign if we can occasionally 
admit mistakes. It helps the discussion and it's a good sign for the 
future of this l'st, IMHO.

> It's just frustrating to notice how same trashing has been going on 
again and again for nearly two years.

"Cross-paradigm" discussions can be very frustrating, it is true. 
Particularly, when there are ideological and/or political components to 

> And me, I've
> noticed I do get angry when whether philosophers or
> scientists or political activists begin to trash, say,
> social theoretical discussions without grasping background
> and essential traits in that theorization.

Before one can "trash" a theory effectively, doesn't one first have to 
*understand* it? There is a great value *for* Marxists when they attempt 
to come to terms with theories both within and outside of the "Marxist" 
tradition. IMO, that is part of the process of *becoming* Marxist. Being 
a Marxist from my perspective doesn't mean that you've read Marx, 
Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, C.L.R. James, etc.. It is a world outlook that can 
*not* be understood in terms of catchy slogans or quotes. It is a 
perspective which is learned and-relearned. 

Dogmatism is a tradition that runs deep in many tendencies and 
individuals calling themselves Marxist. This was true even in Marx's own 
time and gave rise to his celebrated quote: "I am not a Marxist." How 
does one confront dogmatism except by challenging one's own pre-conceptions 
and testing them against logic, history, and alternative perspectives?

I believe that many Marxists travel down the road from dogmatism to a 
more mature (and, dare I say, dialectical?) understanding. I like to 
think that I've been on that journey for many years.

Please understand that the above comments are directed against neither 
Jukka, Rahul, or anyone else on this l'st.


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