File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 58

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 14:58:49 -0600
Subject:  Social theory?

Ah... what is "social theory" ?  I've been hearing a little about
"social systems theory" lately, anybody want to take that on?  


>>> J Laari <>  4/3/96, 02:28pm >>>
And me, I've noticed I do get angry when whether philosophers or
scientists or political activists begin to trash, say, social
theoretical discussions without grasping background and essential
traits in that theorization. There are deep problems in social theory
for sure. But that existing discussion and its background is the
starting point for new discussions.
Marx is for social theory (and economic, historical, cultural, and
political theories) almost what Plato and Aristotle are for
philosophy. Something very fundamental - but not god. When I referred
to Max Weber and Verstehen vs Erkl{ren dilemma I was referring to
something ever present question in social theory in general. It is
highly important for marxists and all leftists too, not only for some
academic disciplines.

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