File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 6

Subject: Re: Draft info sheet for this list
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 00:43:53 -0500 (EST)

I am sorry, but I have to say this.  I am totally sick and tired of
hearing how the spoons people betrayed the marxism list.  The spoons
people, as a group, were only made aware that there was a problem on 
marxism at the beginning of this here week.  Only the most cursory
summary of the problem was presented.  On the basis of this most
cursory summary, six of us expressed opinions: 2 in favor of expulsion 
of the PCP, 2 against, one in support of whatever Lisa and Jon decide, 
and one, who happened to be in a foul mood, in favor of iteratively 
unsubbing every tenth marxism subscriber until the list becomes serene.  
Three spooners didn't express any opinion; for all I know, they might have
been sick or on vacation.  The next thing we heard was Lisa's decision 
to create marxism2, which in the light of the summary information we were 
presented with didn't seem to be in any way objectionable.  Now I would like 
to know: on what basis are we being accused of "betrayal"?  Rahul, what 
in the world have we done to merit this bitterness?  


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