File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 62

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 23:23:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Lisa R, Hugh - and a clarification by Engels

I agree with Ralph on this.  I'm already disturbed (to the point of 
hesitating about posting this and so exacerbating the problem) by the 
rapidity and force with which meta-discussions of list protocol/ethics 
etc. have taken up a large portion of the space.  I believe we need to be 
self-conscious, I understand the list moderators (or whatever they are 
called) feel the need to prevent a duplication of the experience of M1, 
but I also think there are limits to what can or should be done to shape 
the direction of the list.  Lisa or anyone else obviously have the right 
to post opinions or preferences on the kinds of discussions that are 
appropriate to the list as well as the relations of these to what goes on 
in M1.  But, as a pragmatic issue, pushing these opinions and preferences 
too hard is only going to make a self-fulfilling prophecy of the fear of 
losing this list too.  I wish we could be what I think is sensible in 
this regard and simply ignore those posts which seem inappropriate or 
even mildly threatening to whatever integrity this lsit is supposed to 
have--surely the volume of such posts was not so high that the list was 
already threatened.  By responding with interdictions, we just spin the 
discussion into a vortex of the "meta" from which, judging from the 
experience of M1, it's very difficult to return.



Santiago Colas					e-mail:
Asst. Professor					phone:	(313) 763-4352
Latin American and Comparative Literature	fax:	(313) 764-8163
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1275

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Ralph Dumain wrote:

> Look, why don't you just go ahead and post on whatever topic
> interests you, instead of talking about what you have the right to
> talk about.  THis old leftist behavior -- who gets to control the
> union hall, who emerges triumphant in the meeting -- is very silly
> when applied to non-physical cyberspace.  Let 100 marxism lists
> blossom, but if you waste any more of our time with this
> foolishness we'll squash your ass on this one.
>      --- from list ---

     --- from list ---


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