Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 08:29:40 -0100 Subject: to Jerry Dear Jerry, first about ,Sozialismus" (Hamburg): This review is edited by Theodor Bergmann, Heinz Bierbaum, Joachim Bischoff, Klaus Bullan, Hansgeorg Conert, Frank Deppe, Otto Koenig, Sybille Stamm, Michael Wendl, Aline Zieher und Sost e.V. It appears with 11 no. in one year. The important subject at the present time is the critic of the so called ,Buendnis fuer Arbeit" (If your heard from this?). The leadership of the labor unions offer a collaboration(?) with the bourgeoisie: More jobs, no more wage (or less wage). The result is less jobs, less money! (catastrophe!) The new no. (4/96) contains for example articles to the crisis of economy, to the German revisionism against Czchechoslovakia, and to the death of Anna Michajlowna Larina-Bucharina, and to the situation in the labor unions. ad Bucharin (for the future?): This year Wladislaw Hedeler will publish the first volume of Bucharins prison-writings in Germany. (1994 in ,Sozialismus" was a debate about Bucharins last letter to Stalin.) So, if the book appears, Hedeler send it soon to me and I write a report to the list. That could be one possibility to start a discussion about the relation of Bucharin and Stalin and about the problems of the process against Bucharin and others. In Germany (note - in our small leftist groups) we have a debate about Bucharins behavior during his process - a very difficult subject. (It is also a subject at the German Berliner Volksuni. I hope Gerwin will inform us?) In solidarity - Wolfgang Wolfgang Haible BRD - Stuttgart FH Stuttgart - Hochschule fuer Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen (HBI) Bibliothek Tel.: 0711 - 25706-34 --- from list ---
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