File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 68

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 11:54:17 +0200
Subject: Re: Lisa R, Hugh - and a clarification by Engels

On M2, Ralph D writes:

>Look, why don't you just go ahead and post on whatever topic
>interests you, instead of talking about what you have the right to
>talk about.  THis old leftist behavior -- who gets to control the
>union hall, who emerges triumphant in the meeting -- is very silly
>when applied to non-physical cyberspace.  Let 100 marxism lists
>blossom, but if you waste any more of our time with this
>foolishness we'll squash your ass on this one.

I do post on topics that interest me, including this.

There should be no question of my right to talk about anything related to
Marxism or its discussion here.

Our forum is no union hall, it's a very anarchistic meeting-place in
cyberspace. I'm not trying to control anything here. I defy you to show
that I am.

You're the fourth person so far to try and control *my* corner of M2
cyberspace as if it was a union hall.

My foolishness, your wisdom, right?

A brand-new translation of an important passage by Engels on theory,
practice and party work, and touching on the early/late Marx distinctions
some have made - this is 'foolishness'?

Who's 'we'?

What's 'squash your ass' and how does it tie in with the free discussion of
Marxism issues? Wasn't it supposed to be personal slurs ('foolishness') and
threats ('squash your ass') that drove people from M1?

This has been relevant for the following reasons:

a) right of reply

b) deals with issues relating to how to discuss Marxism

c) refers to and indicates thematic content of a passage by an important
   Marxist thinker.



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