File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 69

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 11:51:04 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Hugh 

Jerry wrote:
>Had Hugh addressed his post to this l'st alone, I would have been willing 
>to discuss the relevance of Engels' quote regarding theory and practice 
>and its relevance or irrelevance for this mailing list. By cc-ing the 
>other l'st and excerpting sections of my post sent only to marxism2, he 
>signaled to me that he was unwilling to engage in such a discussion in 
>good faith. I, consequently, have nothing further to say to him on this 
>subject other than to suggest (not insist or demand) that he stay with 
>the undead on marxism1 and leave us in peace.

Jerry appears to be engaged in turning M2 into a private little club to 
discuss issues that appeal to Jerry,s taste. I think that Hugh,s point of 
veiw is both correct and justified. The way this list was created was even 
more then that which Hugh has rather nicely put in his marx quotes. It was 
for me personally a cowardly and bureaucratic manuvrer by certain people on 
this list, to creep into some corner of cyberspace instead of having it out 
with politcal opponents. 

As i know the above is going to lead to a lot of flaming i will in the 
future not address this issue again. i.e. how this group was created..

However, i do intend to cross post issues which i think are important to 
discuss also. I certainly was not responsible for that there are now two 
marxist lists.


     --- from list ---


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