Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 11:51:07 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: Imperialist rivalry and scenarios.. Imperialist rivalry and scenarios... For some reason i get the feeling that some fundemental changes have appeared in the imperialist camp since the fall of the Soviet Union. Despite Aldolfo,s attempts to convince us that Peru (!) is the epicenter of world revolution, in fact Peru is at present still just a lttle backward country in the American imperialist backyard. But for serious people on this list, i hope we can get a discussion started on what possibilities and stratagies the three main imperialists currents have for options in their planning for our future. So i will throw out some stuff here and hope that some with more brains picks up the thead. When i say three main imperialist currents, i mean specifically; American Imperialism which controls a good part of Latin America, which it considers its back yard. This includes perhaps Great Britain as and english speaking nation which appears to want to be the smalltime partner of the American imperialism, but also its own fantacy of the once great empire still stands against the evil barbarians in Europe foremost the Germans but also the french. I guess one should put Australia on this list also. European imperialism with Germany as the leader, including the Scandinavian countries with the exception of Norway, but including White european Russia and the slavic states. Plus the southern european states like Turkey and Italy... Asian imperialism, naturally with the Japanese as the leader. The first question i would like to pose here is; Will the next war be along these lines with the combatants on opposing sides or will it be like the lines during the previous world war? Has the European national boundaries of old been crushed for ever saying that the next war will be with the ignorant Americans or the Japanese? What role is China going to play in all of this? Will it block with the Japanese along color lines? The Americans appear to think so,there for the normalisations with Vietnam. Have the Germans learned anything from the last war? Will they try and consolidate an imperialist white European imperialism? Both Africa and Latin America will not play any role, nor in fact the middle east? They are only prizes in the game i think. I will stop there for now. I hope this is a big enough bone for thinking people to bite on...Or have i completely flipped out and nothing fundamentally has changed. Awaiting some answers to these questions and others,thank you... Buy the way i wrote this because sally had mentioned this big discussion here on "new liberalism" which i think is hardly worth discussing as a serious contender in light of what i have written above.. Warm Regards Robert --- from list ---
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