File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 87

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 20:35:00 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Imperialist rivalry and scenarios.. 

>Robert Malecki wrote:
>>Asian imperialism, naturally with the Japanese as the leader.
>Can we identify an Asian imperialist power that's really commensurate w/
>the other two blocs you propose?  I mean, not only does Japan not
>even have a "real" army, but it and S. Korea (and elsewhere) are under
>de-facto American military occupation (this is putting the case too strongly,
>I guess, but you can see the point I'm making).  Hell, aren't there talks
>now about re-establishing naval bases in Vietnam to make up for those
>lost in the Phillipines?

Well South Korea will play a role,but Japan is the imperialist economic 
power in the region.I assume the Japanese are not some sort of demilitarized 
zone. In fact they could under a very short period rearm. I do not know 
about this stuff in Vietnam, but historically the Vietnamese have no love 
for the Chinese or the Japanese.
>In a military crunch, I don't see how the Asian capitalist countries could
>constitute a separate bloc.  Oh, and what about nuclear weapons?
>-- Matt D.
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