Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 20:35:04 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: Re: Who won in Vietnam? Rahul wrote: >Adam, you seem to be missing the point. The question on the table is what >did the Vietnamese people win. True, they had an inspiring effect on the >rest of the world and a (slight) curbing effect on US military adventurism. >I imagine, however, they thought they were fighting for themselves as well, >and not merely for a bunch of groupies in tie-dyed shirts. Although saying >it makes me want to retch, since I consider what the US did to Vietnam the >worst crime since you-know-what and the Vietnamese resistance one of the >most amazing displays of courage and perseverance ever, it's clear now that >they gained nothing. This is not to go back and second-guess their course >of action, just a simple fact. > >Rahul Well i guess the point here is this. Vietnam won its independence from their colonial masters. The country was reunited to a whole again. Here is two concrete results of ther victory agaionst imperialism. Very worthwhile gains which revolutionaries defend... malecki --- from list ---
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