Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 09:42:39 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: PROBLEMATIZE THIS! VARIABLE CULTURAL CAPITAL That's cool, no need for shame, the energy is, on the contrary, to be admired. I think you did just address the Althusser quote, except for one possibility, so, if your interested it came from his ISA piece (in my edition, called _Essays in Ideology_ (Verso, 1984), p. 49. What has intrigued me about this--just what I heard you saying, in fact--is that Althusser seems to argue both that there's no outside ideology (no "view >from nowhere"; and, I think, the contrary of what most people think when they think of his category of science), but there is a difference between the degrees of knowledge possible within it, with the key determining factor being self-consciousness (where saying, "I am in ideology", would involve or require an understanding of the objectivity of your thinking) which would then form a point of departure for the positive production of concepts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Santiago Colas e-mail: Asst. Professor phone: (313) 763-4352 Latin American and Comparative Literature fax: (313) 764-8163 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1275 USA --- from list ---
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