File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 91

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 20:35:13 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Who won in Vietnam?

>At 11:14 AM 4/4/96, Rahul Mahajan wrote:
>>Although saying
>>it makes me want to retch, since I consider what the US did to Vietnam the
>>worst crime since you-know-what and the Vietnamese resistance one of the
>>most amazing displays of courage and perseverance ever
Doug wrote:
>Before I get accused of being an apologist for imperialism, I have to say I
>agree with every word of this. The murder of 2-3 million Indochinese was a
>great crime, and the resistance of the Vietnamese was truly heroic.
>Unfortunately, under imperialism, crimes are rewarded more often than

Well Doug, 

The real crime was that the Vietnamese could not extend the revolution 
throughout the whole of south east asia. And this has its historic reasons 
both in the VCP, the chinese leadership, not to mention the Soviet Union who 
certainly did not want to see a Vietnamese influenced revolution throughout 
south east asia. The Vietnamese are letting the Americans back in because 
they really fear the Chinese. That is a mistake. But who supported the Pol 
Pot people in Cambodia against the Vietnamese. It certainly wasn,t the 



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