File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 99

Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 16:46:14 -0600
Subject:  Not!  Technical List Matters 

Oh no, "straight" must not be PC anymore!  Who can keep up?  Howabout
"pre-digested messages continue to be delivered to odd people" ?
"non-masticated mess received by peculiar people" ?
"error messages sent only to those who don't need it" ?


>>> <>  4/4/96, 05:24pm >>>
In a message dated 96-04-04 17:39:28 EST, Lisa writes:

>Our service provider in Virginia has run out of disk space on us
>twice in the last few days, which messes with the archiving and the
>digests.  Those on straight M2 may not notice any problem.  The
>problem will probably be fixed, again, momentarily.  

Yeah, and us queer M2s keep getting strange messages.


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