File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 101

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 96 14:56:32 GMT
Subject: Re: Holy ... who/what?

I am familiar with overfishing of all sorts :

cod, herring, mackerel, whatever.

I think Lobster is expensive because it's hard to employ mass
production techniques to harvest them.

I used to eat mussels bought from a local market into a friend
of mine explained that they were filter feeders. Any crap in 
the sea ends up filtered out into a mussel.

If it came from the Irish sea, the nearest to Manchester, it will
have oil, nuclear waste, human waste, chemicals from farming and
the chemical industry, and some explosives mixed in.

I also used to eat beef. Vegetarianism looks like a serious health
option - but then, there's enough chemicals in those to disolve
metal . . . 


Adam Rose


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