Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:19:12 +0200 Subject: Re: France's Hot December - introduction -Reply Lisa Rogers wrote: > > I like summarizing, rather than giant articles straight from papers. > FWIW, > Lisa > > >>> Adam Rose <> 4/12/96, 06:07am >>> > Chris Harman has written an article in our quarterly journal, the > ISJ, looking at the strikes in France at the end of last year. > What does FWIW mean. - I'm still willing to learn :-) --- I have also just read the article by Harman. One tinkg I liked was that he tries to relate quite broadly: While he has the more "narrow" analysis on the *French* background, he points also to the general issues facing both classes, not only in France but in Western Europe and maybe even broader. I think what is being tested on both sides is the willingness to fight - and therefor the question of class leadership. Good project, Adam! ----- Could someone giev me feedback: Does this mail include one of those fucking "binary trailers"? Yours Jorn Andersen IS - Denmark --- from list ---
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