Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 18:03:21 -0400 Subject: Re: Group or individual -Reply In a reply to Lisa, Adam writes: >I think what is mysterious to you is why I am so insistently dogmatic >about seeing production as central. I can only reply that it is because >I am a Marxist. If you see something other than production as central, >then really the whole of Marxism falls. Even if you may continue to >agree with some of the conclusions of Marxism, you must be getting there >my some other route. Leo: This is an interesting question. I would take a different posture, following Poulantzas, that for a Marxist class struggle is central. The point at which I decided that I was a post-Marxist was when I concluded that class struggle as Marx conceived it was not necessarily the central focus and motivating force of human history (although it could be at certain times in certain epochs); and, therefore, that a broader conception of struggle over power was required. I am afraid I would have come to that conclusion a lot earlier if I thought that production was central in the way that Adam is arguing for it. Adam again: >I think your (Lisa's) criticism of Engels, basically that he is "Lamarkian" , >is just a different way of saying you don't agree with his basic >aim - to explain the rise of human society as a thing in itself. Leo: If I am not mistaken, there really is no question but that Engels was a "Lamarkian", insofar as Engels' anthropological writings say as much. I also believe that there is a clear distinction between a Lamarkian and a Darwinian view of evolution, with a Lamarkian view being one of slow, culturally based natural adaptation and a Darwinian view being one of much more radical disjunctures in natural selection (assuming that I am not overly influenced by Stephen Jay Gould's version of Darwinism). Without speaking for Lisa, I think that the charge of Lamarkianism goes straight to the viability of Engels' anthropology. Leo --- from list ---
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