File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 120

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 02:30:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: NY Metro LPA Hosts Platform Meeting 4/27/96

>Date: 11 Apr 1996 12:31:33
>Reply-To: Conference "" <>
>Subject: NY Metro LPA Hosts Platform Meeting 4/27/96
>To: Recipients of conference <>
>Lines: 50
>From: Robert Spencer <76042.2176-AT-CompuServe.COM>
>Subject: NY Metro LPA Hosts Platform Meeting 4/27/96
>The New York Metro Chapter of Labor Party Advocates is hosting a full-day
>Northeast Area Pre-Convention Meeting on Labor Party Platform and Constitution.
>The event will provide an opportunity to hear keynote speaker and national LPA
>organizer Tony Mazzochi present and discuss the draft platform and constitution
>for the Labor Party  presented to the executive committee of LPA in
Cleveland on
>March 23rd. 
>The event will be held:
>Saturday April 27, 1996 
>9AM to 5:30 PM 
>at Public School 41
>116 West 11th Street
>Between 6th and 7th Avenues. 
>(Access by subway - take the A,E,F,D,Q, 1, 9 trains to 14th Street)
>Admission:  NYC LPA members  $5 suggested donation
>                      Non-members           $20 waged
>                                                            $10 low-income or
>                                                           ( Non-members have
>the option of using the                   			   admission fee
>to join LPA.)
>The proposed program:
>9AM Registration
>9:30AM Reports from LPA Chapters and Endorsing Labor Bodies
>11 AM-1PM National Report from Tony Mazzochi, Presentation of Constitution
>Proposal and Discussion
>1PM-2PM Lunch break - no food provided
>2PM-5PM Tony Mazzochi summarizes proposed platform, panel and open mike
>discussion of the proposal
>5:PM Convention Rules nad Arrangements
>The event has so far been endorsed by the NY Metro, New Jersey, Central Jersey,
>Connecticut, Philadelphia Area, Rhode Island and Capital District (Albany NY)
>Chapters, by local unions including the Organization of Staff Analysts (Bob
>Croghan, Chairperson), CWA Local 1180 (Arthur Cheliotes, President), OCAW
>District 8 and OCAW local 8-149 (Mark Dudzic, President) and by the following
>union officials (affiliation for identificaiton purposes only)  Larry Adams,
>President Mailhandlers Local 300, Mark Ginsburg, President United Faculty
>University of Pittsburgh, AFT Local 3414, Raymond Markey, President Local 1930
>AFSCME DC 37, William Moriarty, President, Local 802 AFM.
>If you have questions or would like more information about the event, the NY
>Metro Chapter or LPA in general -please call (212) 946-5501, the NY Metro
>Chapter Voicemail Line..

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