Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:26:29 -0600 Subject: Re: human / social evolution -Reply > > Adam: > > The explanation of the rise of human society must start with > hominids in> their African environment, and use the laws of nature to> explain why > human society developed. > > Lisa: I take it in this case you mean the origin of human forager> society. Adam: I meant human society, as opposed to pre human society. Lisa: Right, same thing. Got it. Adam: But the point I was making was that upto this point any explanation has to be basically evolutionary, but after it it has to be basically social. [snip] The massive changes since then ( in a period of time far quicker than evolutionary changes take, even accelerated ones ) must be explained by theories about society, I was arguing. Lisa: I know it's heresy in some circles, but I reject this dichotomy. 'Evolutionary' and 'social' are not competitive, exclusive, or incompatible categories, in my view. --- from list ---
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