File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 140

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 14:20:08 -0600
Subject:  Re: Lenin, Zetkin, Marx on sex? -Reply

>>> Ralph Dumain <>  4/16/96, 11:46am >>>
Have I missed something, ro is this a spillover from marxism-undead?

Wash out your mouth, Ralph!  That remark is gratuitous and
uncalled-for.  Don't you know yet that 'spillover' is verboten! 
Anyway, I'm not going to avoid every _topic_ that was ever discussed
on M1.  [I'm kidding, mostly kidding.]  

All I asked for was talk about Zetkin's alleged sexual offenses. 
I've heard that her great sin in Lenin's eyes was that she was
running women's rap sessions, talking about sex ed and the oppression
of women, and other such things that certain [male, dominant] alleged
leftist leaders thought were 'non-revolutionary' at best.  Well, he
said Zetkin was distracting from the class-line, but Lenin's reaction
suggests to me that he was actually fighting for a particular
'sex-line' himself!  A reactionary one, that is.

But, I don't have any references for evidence of what Zetkin was
actually doing/ teaching/ saying/ promoting/ whatever.  Does anybody
here know what I'm talking about?


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