Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 21:32:40 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Lenin, Zetkin, Marx on sex? Leo wrote: > I was able to find some bibliographic references to the intersection of > German Social Democracy and feminism, and they would provide some interesting > contextual analysis of Zetkin's work. > Werner Thonnessen, _The Emancipation of Women: The Rise and Declinbe of the > Women's Movement in German Social Democracy, 1863-1933_ London: Pluto Press, > 1973. > I do not know the works myself The Thonnessen book is quite good from the perspective of being a historical account of various debates within German Social Democracy related to "the women's question". There are good sections on the gender composition of the SPD, the organizational structure and parliamentary strategy of the SPD, and debates at party congresses and in the party press. The bibliography is excellent for those who wish to examine this subject further (a reading ability in German is helpful since many of the more important works have not been translated into English). The most famous work in English produced by an SPD leader was August Bebel's _Women Under Socialism_ translated into English by ... Daniel DeLeon. (A better translation, so it is claimed, was printed about 5 years ago under a different title). A related book for the later period is Wilhelm Reich's _Sex-Pol: Marxist Writings, 1929-34__ edited with a very good introduction by Bertell Ollman. Jerry --- from list ---
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