File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 162

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 13:02:57 -0600
Subject:  Re: Class and individuals -Reply

>>> Adam Rose <>  4/17/96, 03:13am >>>
There is a subtext here, and that subtext is women's oppression.
I think the issue is whether working class men and working class
women have a conflict of interest.

I think not. I think working class men have an interest in fighting
women's oppression, and that the way to get rid of women's oppression
is to use the methods of class struggle. Concretely, this means
working class women should not attempt to unite with middle and
ruling class women, because it weakens the fight against womens
oppression. Instead, they should see working class men as their
(potential ) allies.

Subtext?  What are you talking about?
Under that title, you offer an interesting example.  Do working class
men and women really have exactly the same interests?  Do they
_think_ that they have the same interests?  If 'men have an interest
in fighting women's oppression', is it as big of an interest as women
have?  Who is it that most immediately pays the price of that
oppression?  Who suffers directly?

Does anything and everything have exactly the same effects upon WC
women and men?  Of course not.  Thus, conflict.  


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