Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 14:02:25 -0600 Subject: Re: Class and individuals -Reply YES! See, I too agree with Justin. Or he agrees with me. Lisa >>> Justin Schwartz <> 4/17/96 Firstly, on an obviously individualistic level, workers compete with each other for jobs and capitalists for businesses, just to stick to the classes in bourgeois society. Mutatis mutandis things are similar in feudal and slave society. Second, there are conflicts between groups in the same class. [snip] we have to distinguish between long range interests and short range interests, classwide interests and narrower interests. It is in my interest to beat the next guy out for a job. As a white male first world worker it is in my interest to oppose affirmative action, keep Blacks and women down and keep the third world poor. These are real interest. That they are short range and partial doesn't make them less real. --- from list ---
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