Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 20:36:35 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: More on Modernism, Reason and Myth At the risk of reviving a thread that Leo notes is dying I will say a couple things: 1. Leo wants me to conced he may havea point in his critique of modernist notions of logic and reason. I don't understanf what the critique is, so I'll pass on the concession. 2. In sweeping analogy and whatnot into logic Leo extends "logic: far beyond what any contempory philosopher would. Logic in modern philosophy constitutes a number of mathematical theories, most fundamentally the predicate calculus, concerned with theorems about deductively valid arguments. Analogy has no place it. Nor is there any such thing as "inductive" logic, despite the best attempts of the logical positivism to articulate one in rigorous terms. There are Bayseans who think that scientific reasoning can be explicated in terms of probablity theory, but the view has not gained wide acceptance. 3. That said, scientific reasoning includes a not more than logic. Apart >from some corners of the exact sciences it remains inductive, which isn't suprising, since logic can only give you what's already in your premises while science purportsd to tell us things about the world we didn't know before. Contrary to what Rahul says, the use of analogy is essential to the sciences, even the exact ones. See Mary Hesse's wonderful Models and Anoglies in Science. (She was my old grad school advisor at Cambridge). Of course the scientifiuc use of analogies is very different from the old Humanist approach that Rahul rightly says was squelched in the Enlightenment. It's controlled by its value in producing empirically testible hypothesis, for one. --Justin On Tue, 9 Apr 1996, Rahul Mahajan wrote: > In this case, Leo, it has been understood that analogy is not a valid mode > of reasoning since the Enlightenment. Only a few "intellectuals" who don't > seem to get the Enlightenment would contend on this and a variety of other > issues. Analogy can never make a case; this is obvious. Using analogy to > establish an argument is like trying to explain natural phenoemena using > the principles of sympathy and contagion (Yes, I know that was an analogy). > > Rahul > > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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