File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 36

Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 09:45:53 GMT
Subject: Groups as basic unit of production

Why do I start from the "group" , when it comes to foragers ?

When it comes to modern capitalism, no one ( or at least, no
socialist ) would attempt to explain human society in terms
of genetics. Conversely, no one would attempt to explain the
devlopment of the earliest hominids in terms of the forces
of production, since there weren't any. At some point, there
is a transition, where one kind of development gives rise to,
and coexists with the other.

At this point, the analysis must start with the "individual's
point of view" and work towards any society type structure, as
you rightly say.

Nevertheless, I still think it is correct to start from the
group, when it comes to foragers.

This is because I view forager society as a fully human 
society. By this I mean that humans have already evolved into
social animals. They are still, as we are, animals, but their
society can only be understood as a society, even if this society
is a pre class society. There is culture, as we understand it,
there is collective labour, and the use and production of tools
of many sorts ( in reverse order of importance, naturally ! ).

Forager society, as you yourself say, seems to be constituted
in terms of groups. Of course, individuals can move from one
group to another, just as women moved from one feudal familly
to another. Even an Australian Aboriginal on walkabout is part
of a group - he ( it is always he, isn't it ? ) wouldn't have a 
clue how to survive without the knowledge and skills passed 
down to him by the society he comes from.

I think the period of history where there is genuinely a need for
a synthesis between evolution and sociology is actually a long time
before the one you are looking at - the whole period during which
hominids evolved into humans.

[ Of course, the outline above is a simplification : apes live in
groups, and pre class societies are very much at the mercy of
nature ].


Adam Rose


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