Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 12:30:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Fem what? -Reply At 9:47 AM 4/10/96, Lisa Rogers wrote: >I think the clitoris has some advantages over the penis, one of which >is that it _never_ gets caught in zippers. Of course the "thing" >that women "envy" is privilege and power that is conferred upon males >just because they are male. But if we're going to talk seriously, >we'll have to distinguish between "penis" and "phallus". It does >make a difference. A big difference. The Lacanians say that no one, even men, possesses the phallus, which is an imaginary construct ("the phallus - the hyphen - the signifier par excellence of desire" - Lacan). >BTW, knitting and weaving are often adopted as "manly" pursuits >whenever they offer higher wages than other things that men are >doing. Another example of a mechanism of culture change at work, >hmmm? Which comes first, the high wage or the male entry? Doug -- Doug Henwood Left Business Observer 250 W 85 St New York NY 10024-3217 USA +1-212-874-4020 voice +1-212-874-3137 fax email: <> web: <> --- from list ---
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