File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 49

Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 12:11:59 -0600
Subject:  no known glitches

>>> <>  4/10/96, 11:24am >>>
1. Somehow I never got Lisa's original post, and I seem to be missing
parts of her exchanges on the anthro thread. Do we have a system

Lisa:  I know of no glitches, although there often unpredictable
delays of normal mail through virginia, so that posts may not even
arrive in the same order that they are sent.

My first "Fem what?" post was entirely a departure from the
conversation you were in, Leo.  I gave it a different subject line,
hoping to make the digression clear.  

On the anthro thread, if you are referring to the McDonough-Rogers
stuff, there are things missing because I did not save all of Terry's
posts.  I included full paragraphs of his stuff in my replies enough
that I hope they make some sense as they are, with both sides of a
conversation in one post.  Some of this stuff I think is related to
things recently discussed here, such as phil of sci, some of it you
have probably seen before, on another marxism list, some of it is
background for the discussion that Terry and I are planning to
continue.  He said he'd join us here next week.

I've still got copies of stuff I've sent, so I can resend privately
if you like, or check the archives.


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