Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 18:56:50 -0600 Subject: postmodernism Rahul said to Leo: The fact that you "chose to take it seriously and engage it" is, however, a problem, because such efforts lend credence to a great deal of shoddy, intellectually dishonest, superficial, and irresponsible work. Many of the brightest stars in the postmodern firmament are getting by on crap that is worse than the stuff their undergraduates write for them. Examples to come. *** But Rahul, crap is generally quite common. I am interested in taking it seriously enough to try to figure out what they think they are doing, and finding out if there is anything there that _is_ good or useful, or that I can learn from. Partly, I want to know enough to be able to sort out the crap. I've had a couple of digestible doses of some not-bad stuff from a couple of instructors, so I think it may not be entirely bankrupt. I'm sure I'll enjoy some ripping critiques, but I'm also interested in any useful appropriations. I hope that doesn't mean I'm endorsing the whole field. Regards, Lisa --- from list ---
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