Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 11:49:22 -0600 Subject: Re: Chicken or Egg -Reply -Reply >>> Matt D. <> 4/11/96, 10:42am >>> Well, where is the non-group, non-social human being you take as _your_ starting point? Is there any evidence for the existence of non-enculturated isolated individuals? Is there any evidence that human beings have not _always_ engaged in "collective production and reproduction"? Lisa: You either misunderstand me or misrepresent me. I'd appreciate a definition of "collective". Aren't other species totally dependent upon lengthy parenting and social learning in order to live? Do gorillas ever live alone? Matt: Doesn't the extended childhood of humans _demand_ that people have always and everywhere engaged in "collective production and reproduction" -- that in fact this is a necessary condition for the exis-tence of human beings? The existence of humanity is predicated on sociality. Lisa: And 'sociality' is predicated on ... what? --- from list ---
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