Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 15:19:11 -0400 Subject: Re: Chicken or Egg -Reply >Lisa: You either misunderstand me or misrepresent me. Well, I guess those are a couple of possibilities. Another is that you're just not making much sense. >I'd appreciate a definition of "collective". Aren't other species >totally dependent upon lengthy parenting and social learning in order >to live? Do gorillas ever live alone? I'm tempted to say "quantitative -> qualitative" and leave it at that, but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here: "IF other animals live in groups, THEN we must approach the development of human society from the standpoint of an 'ecological' methodological individualism that denies the determinative primacy of cultural - read social - read historical factors"?! Huh? >Lisa: And 'sociality' is predicated on ... what? For humans, sociality does not have to be "explained". Rather it is the counter-claim that requires justification. You seem to be taking evolutionary ecology down the road of the Robinsonades of the 19th century -- projecting the commonplaces of bourgeois political economy into "Nature" here reimagined as the completely fantastical isolated individual. Human sociality certainly should be _described_ as accurately as possible, but the idea of "explaining" it is nonsensical. There is not, never has been, and never will be a non-social homo sapiens. -- Matt D. P.S. Think'll I'll crosspost this to m1... Whoops! Just kidding! Don't want to be expelled so early in the "school year"! :-) --- from list ---
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