Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 15:22:34 -0600 Subject: many more possible threads... Van <> wrote: Mostly, I prick up my ears when anyone mentions Williams or Ollman, Timpanaro, dialectical method, the history of Marxism or neo-Marxism, e.g., Laclau and Mouffe and Stanley Aronowitz, Balibar and Zizek, ecology, the Greens and homeschooling. Marxism and anthropology are good too! [snip] Right now I'm working on Marx's Econ. and Phil. Manuscripts and C.L.R. James' _Notes on Dialectics_. *** Van, I'm also interested in ecology and red-green stuff, and in its relations with forager anthropology. I've been told that this all relates together with some strains of anarchist interest and ecosocialism as well. The development of these kinds of relations and cross-overs are very much what this list is intended to foster. Your mention of homeschooling caught my eye - I've recently heard some people talk about middle class liberals being into this, but where I live [Utah] it is more often religious fundamentalist types that do a lot of that. Don't want their kids corrupted by secular humanism, sex or drugs, in about that order of concern... Right now I'm reading _Pre-capitalist Economic Formations_ by Marx 1858, with intro by Eric J. Hobsbawm 1964, Internat Pub, 1965. I'm almost done with lengthy intro, which is very informative about the state of general knowledge in 1858, the specific works which were available to Marx and Engels at the time, and their various interests and emphases in their studies of PCEF. This IP edition includes not only the intro and PCEF [from the Grundrisse] but also part of the German Ideology and M/E letters from 1868 and 1882. Seeya, Lisa --- from list ---
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