File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 83

Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 15:45:57 -0600
Subject:  Re: 'sociality' -reply -Reply

>>> J Laari <>  4/11/96, 02:56pm >>>
In this sense it could be said that social or sociality is substance.
It cannot be explained by genes neither by ideas.
Instead it might explain to some extent even genetic changes on the
long run. I'm not saying that it explains genes. It just might
explain some changes as far as these are caused by some other changes
in environment caused basically by human interference. This
society-nature relationship surely isn't my expertise so beware..
Hope I was able to say something sensible. Any sense?

Holy Mackerel!  I can make little or no sense of that, except maybe
the last bit, included above.

To this biol/evol/anthro person, social behavior is what happens
whenever conspecifics interact with each other.  Each one's behavior
may take into account the other's behavior.  Social animals are those
that generally live in groups, including [at one end of a scale] an
immediate family.

The dichotomy between society/ nature appears useless and imaginary
to me.  Humans are as "natural" as everything else.

Thanks for the attempt, Jukka, but have you got any sociology that is
less, well, I don't know what to call it...


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