File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 85

Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 16:00:02 -0600
Subject:  Re: Chicken or Egg -Reply -Reply -Reply

>>> Matt D. <>  4/11/96, 03:22pm >>>
>If you're not interested in the origin and evolution of
>_Homo sapiens_, or you don't think it's at all relevant to anything
>people do today, then we can just disagree.  

If I don't agree with you, don't talk to you?  Has this really become
your new mantra?
-- Matt "As for me, I'm anti-social" D.

That's not what I said, or what I meant.  Please don't bait me or
give me a hard time.  I'm just not up for that right now.

Point was, you say that humans have always been social [though you
don't define it], while my perspective is one that would include the
very evolution of humans and pre-humans too.  I had the impression
that you find my approach irrelevant to what you think of as "human".

I think this is a key part of the difference in our views, which we
might try to clarify.  If you want to talk about it too.  Maybe I'm


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